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  • Our Attorneys

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  • Transportation Litigation

    Transportation Litigation

    Transportation litigation matters can be nuanced, complex and high-stakes, especially when involving serious injuries or fatalities. They require experienced attorneys who can quickly gather evidence from a scene or through court orders, and are knowledgeable about detailed federal regulations and state law.

  • Professional Liability & Errors and Omissions

    Professional Liability & Errors and Omissions

    Professional liability and errors and omissions defense demands a strong team with the deep experience and legal prowess necessary to uphold a client’s professional reputation.

  • Products Liability

    Products Liability

    Products liability cases can significantly impact the future of a business, especially in matters involving serious personal injury or death. In Texas, product liability claims can be made for product defects, manufacturing defects, and for failure to warn.

  • Premises Liability

    Premises Liability

    National corporations and retailers, large and small businesses, and property owners can face liability and security claims if someone is injured on their premises. But there are exclusions to Texas law that limit property liability.

  • Insurance Defense

    Insurance Defense

    Insurance carriers facing complex disputes in Texas need experienced attorneys on their side who understand how state law affects their case. Additionally, potential fraud cases flagged by carriers’ special investigative units require expedient and aggressive discovery to prevent losses.

  • Insurance Coverage & Bad Faith

    Insurance Coverage & Bad Faith

    Insurance companies face major issues daily regarding complex coverage issues and claims in a highly-regulated industry. Insurance coverage and bad faith lawyers analyze insurance carriers’ contracts and policies when disputes arise, providing counsel and representation in defending coverage and bad faith actions.

  • Inadequate Security

    Inadequate Security

    National retailers and corporations, as well as businesses and property owners, can face litigation for criminal acts, such as murder and assault, that occur on their premises when victims claim that the property owner could have taken preventative steps.

  • Employment Disputes

    Employment Disputes

    Employment dispute lawyers help companies navigate labor law issues and defend their interests in litigation brought on by workers.

  • Construction Litigation

    Construction Litigation

    Construction claims and litigation can be costly and labor-intensive. Property owners, developers, contractors, engineers, design professionals, and others, including their insurers, who are being sued for construction defects or other allegations need skillful and aggressive representation to protect their assets and reputations.